Sunday 7 September 2014

Crazy! This Man walks into crater of an active volcano

An amazing video has emerged of a man walking into the crater of an active volcano. The footage, captured on a GoPro camera late last month, shows explorers Sam Cossman and George Kourounis getting as close as humanly possible to a violently boiling lake of lava. After rappelling 1200 feet (400 meters) down into the crater of Marum Volcano on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu, George dons a protective heat suit and gets extremely close to the lava. "It is one of only 5 places in the world with persistent lava lakes. Getting to it was kind of like a reverse climbing of Everest” George later wrote online. “The volcano fought back at us, and we had to deal with terrible weather, tremendous heat from the lava, descending and ascending 400 meters of near vertical, loose rock face, acid rain so strong that it could have come from a car battery, and a variety of other craziness. The lava melted part of one of my cameras, I got splashed by small chunks of glowing hot lava which melted a hole in my rain jacket, and my protective heat suit is now ruined from the intense acid rain."

see video here


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